We were excited to spend the Christmas season with our family back in the States! We got to spend time with both sets of Grandparents and cousins from both sides of the family, it was a fantastic trip! My only complaint is that it went by way too fast! We tried to add a few days to our trip but couldn't justify spending 1,500 extra dollars for 4 extra days :( It gets expensive flying 6 people around!!
For 95% of our married life we have lived at least a state away from our families. Some years we traveled to spend the holidays with them, and some years we did not. This was honestly the most excited I have ever been to spend Christmas in Utah :) and it did not disappoint! Here are a few highlights...

Sledding and Snowplowing at Grandma and Grandpa's house
(Hurray for a white Christmas!)
Temple Lights and Gingerbread Houses with Oma and Grandpa
(and Jamie scoring major points in the favorite uncle category!)
Skiing at Sundance!
The kids all did great! And Keely really caught the hang of it this year!
Lots of outside play time in the snow! They didn't want to come home!
Me? I was just content walking around Target for a few hours :) clean, wide isles, lots of selection, people I could understand and signs I could read!
Luke, Zak, and Keely slept over at their cousin's house one night so Jake was a little lonely. We thought he was playing games on the iPad but when I looked later I found many pictures of Rob and I wrapping Christmas gifts! Including pictures of the gifts :) He was a little spy {I'm sure the big kids tried to bribe him or something:) } - sorry big kids, better luck next year!!
As much fun as we had and as much as we love and adore our family, I was a little worried about how difficult it would be to return to China. Surprisingly we jumped right back into life here. There is just something about being in your own home...even if that home is in China.