Monday, September 3, 2012

Si ge Haizi - Click!

One thing we weren't expecting upon moving here was the attention the family gets when we go somewhere.  Beijing sees a lot of foreigners so we're definitely not a novelty here especially in our little foreign suburb.  But when we travel into the city or to places where a Chinese tourist may come (like the amusement park, Great Wall etc..) or any city other than Beijing where foreigners aren't as common -- we have been chased down for one of these...

The kids were getting more attention here than the actual 2,000 year-old Banyan tree we all came to see.  At first the boys joked "we're famous," but now they just get annoyed :)

Jake gets the brunt of it -- and we all know how much he loves attention -- NOT

The first sentence I learned in Chinese was "yes, I have four kids."  I think it's hilarious when we're walking around the market or anywhere and people pass us whispering in shock "si ge haizi" (four children).  With the Chinese "one child policy" they don't see big families often.  Most of the time they tell me - four kids, much happiness -- or I admire you - or but you're sooo young -- or I wish I had brother or sister etc... I did have a 20 something year-old- girl ask me once "why you want four kids?"  I just laughed and said much happiness!  It's very expensive in China to have a child and if you have more than one you have to pay the government some kind of penalty fee.  So they think that when people have more than one kid that they must have a lot of money.  On the contrary!!  More kids=less money :)

And these are just a few pictures that I was quick enough getting MY camera out to take a picture of them taking pictures of us :)
We are learning though.  If we just keep moving then we're safer, people just stop and stare and point.  But when we stop for a minute that's when the crowds start forming.  I don't think I'll ever like or get used to this.
I was a little weirded out over the weekend when we took a trip out-of-town.  We were in the airport getting ready to board and a guy with a fancy camera came to take a picture of Jake and Keely.  He then started showing me the picture he just took then kept going and there were even more pictures from earlier - when we had just arrived at the airport.  Creepy.

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