Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mutianyu - Great Wall

Keely and I had so much fun on her 2nd Grade class field-trip to the Great Wall!  The section we went to is called Mutianyu (different sections have different names).

The bus ride there - I think we are both a little excited!
Our bus had this hanging inside above the driver.  I wonder where they got the Ski Utah circle?  Awesome!

Keely's teacher is a genius.  She asked all the kids to bring their own small camera and if they didn't have one to bring she provided them with a small digital camera.  She then made these cute activity books and homemade clipboard.  It was like a picture scavenger hunt.

There were also other pages of activites for the bus ride there.  A Bingo game of things to look for on the way and a word-find.  The kids were so entertained!!  Having the camera was such a great idea!!  The kids were really looking at the things around them.  I think they paid much more attention to their surroundings and all the details!

  The leaves were starting to change on the trees so it felt like Fall (in town the leaves don't change).  We hiked up many, many stairs to actually get to the wall first.  (The last time the family came here we rode the tram to the top!).  I should have counted all the stairs!

Some of Keely's photos

Just in-case you forgot anything there are hawkers up on the wall selling stuff for outrageous prices (where else are you going to get it?).  These people hike up there everyday with their "stuff" to sell.

The kids got to eat lunch on top of one of the guard towers.  Keely is showing off the progress of her photo hunt.

 Great view of the wall snaking along the hillside (and a cute little girl of course!).  There was a bit of pollution that day that you can "see".  Yum.

Keely's Class

At the bottom of the wall there is a limestome cave that the kids were able to walk through.  This was Moon rock :)  It looks like it had a little surgery somewhere along the way :)

Zai Jian!

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